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Reactions to food and drink can cause discomfort for many people. Removing one food at a time can sometimes find the cause, but often this is inconclusive, particularly where there are multiple foods causing the problem. Cotswold Nutrition offers professional Intolerance Testing services, complete with the knowledge of how to best understand and incorporate the findings into your lifestyle, without risking any nutritional deficiencies. We offer:


Food Intolerance Testing (Blood test, IgG reactions) 


Often the quickest route to establish whether there is a true food intolerance is with the help of a simple blood test which gauges an IgG, (a delayed) reaction to different foods.  The test is wholly scientific, providing a conclusive, and graded, reaction to over 200 different foods from a single sample.  




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As well as intolerance testing, Cotswold Nutrition offers a whole range of hormonal and gut function tests, all undertaken by professional laboratories.  Most tests are non-invasive involving either saliva, stool or urine testing.  A full laboratory report is supplied as well as interpretation of the results in a consultation environment.


Among the range of nutritional tests offered are:


DUTCH Testing


The most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones in one easy test. Helps to track and evaluate your hormone levels, to help identify the root causes of imbalances.  


Irregular menstruation (including heavy or painful periods), PMS, headaches, reduced libido, bloating, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, depression, breast tenderness, and conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, acne, or weight gain can all be as a result of hormonal imbalances.  


A DUTCH test can help identify the underlying cause of your symptoms, so that you can put measures in practice to make you feel like yourself again.







Nutrigenomic (Genetic) Testing


Applying the latest genomics science to enable a preventative, proactive and personalised approach to health.  Nutrigenomic testing enables us to look in detail at our DNA, so we can understand our unique personal health ‘blueprint’. Small but important differences in our genetic make-up (‘SNPs’) can have significant impacts on our life and health - from hormones to heart, metabolism to mental health, and much more.  


The reports allow personalised responses to nutrients - vitamins, fats and sugars etc. A range of specialist reports look in detail at particular clinical areas like nervous system function, hormone balance or detoxification. 


Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis


This is a comprehensive look at the overall health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The CDSA™ is an evaluation of gastrointestinal function assessing a select set of stool biomarkers. 


Candida Albicans


Candida is a yeast that is part of our digestive flora, however in some individuals the natural balance of the gut is disrupted leading to a pathogenic form of the organism. This results in many symptoms ranging from fatigue, bloating, diarrhoea/constipation, muscle aches and headaches, to name but a few. This test is used not only for detecting the presence of the infection but also as an indicator of the stage of the condition.  


Adrenal Stress Index 


This saliva test can detect imbalances in the daily circadian secretions of the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA. Imbalances in these hormones can indicate an inappropriate response that can negatively impact energy levels, emotions, and many other health complaints. These include anxiety, chronic inflammatory conditions, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, depression, migraines, headaches, recurrent infections, menstrual difficulties and infertility. 


Thyroid Function


The elevation of thyroid hormone levels in urine, assesses tissue exposure to thyroid hormones over a 24-hour period. The urine thyroid test therefore serves as a valuable tool for detecting those patients that are suffering from thyroid dysfunction, particularly low grade hypothyroidism who might otherwise go undetected through standard blood tests. It is important to use this test as an adjunct to other indicators of thyroid function, such as body temperature, symptomology and standard blood thyroid tests. 

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