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How to have a happy & healthy Menopause

Midlife is full of surprises – and not all of them are good… If you are reading this then I’m guessing that you are touched in some way by symptoms of the menopause – or more accurately, the transition to menopause. Perhaps you are even horrified at the person looking back at you in the mirror. Who is this person? What the heck happened?

It might be that you are really suffering or perhaps you’ve just started noticing some changes. The experience is different for every woman but often it means being hot, cold, moody, tired, sleep-deprived, nervy, irritable, sad, or hairy. It can mean hot flushes, memory loss, and a seemingly immovable band of fat around the middle and thighs.

Your fluctuating hormones are the cause of all of this, but you don’t have to accept these symptoms as the way things need to be. Learning to re-balance your hormones naturally will help you take back control of your life. Given life expectancy increases, women can expect to spend at least a third of their life ‘menopausal’, so it’s really worth getting the help you need now. Despite what you might have feared, menopause is not the death of your youth or vitality, but the start of some of the best and most powerful years of your life.

One of the tragedies about menopause is the realisation that you really cannot get away with eating the same foods you used to. Your body has changed, and you need to learn to eat for this new way of being. The good news is that diet and lifestyle changes can be really effective at reducing those less than welcome symptoms. The menopause changes which nutrients we need less and more of. For instance, we need to protect our bone density with good levels of calcium foods, and we can support our hormone production by making sure that our protein and essential fat intakes are optimum.

Hot flushes can be reduced with simple changes, such as ensuring our blood sugar is well balanced, so that our body is not constantly struggling to produce hormones to stabilise our energy supply. Vegetables, pulses, beans & whole grains can supply valuable phytoestrogens which can bring balance to a fluctuating and depleted oestrogen.

I know that you get that this period of your life is a seismic change. You should always talk to your doctor about symptoms you are particularly concerned about, but there is such a lot you can do to feel more energised than you do right now and fix that spare tyre round the middle.

What you need is my signature programme where we’ll work together to tackle all aspects of what I’ve been talking about above. This is perfect for you if you experience any of the issues I set out at the beginning, and now is exactly the right time for a brand new you: new diet, new attitude and new healthy lifestyle. Click here to book in for a free 20 minute chat to see how you can take control of your menopause.

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